Prophet Hud
People of Ad are Described
For many years, the inhabitants of 'Ad resided on the windswept highlands of a region between Yemen and Oman. They were physically fit and well-known for their skill, particularly when it came to erecting towering structures with tall towers. They were the most powerful and wealthy of all the countries, which unfortunately made them haughty and proud. No one dared to raise a voice in opposition to the unjust rulers who held their political authority.
They did not reject Allah's worship, nor did they deny that He even existed. They did, however, object to worshiping Allah alone. They also worshipped idols and other deities. This is a sin that Allah will not pardon.
Hud's description
Allah sent a prophet from among them in order to control and guide this nation. Hud (PBUH), a fine man who carried out this mission with great resoluteness and forbearance, was this prophet.
He claimed to be Hud Ibn Shalikh, Ibn Arfakhshand, Ibn Sam, and Ibn Noah (PBUH), according to Ibn Jarir. A tribe of Arabs known as Ad Ibn Us Ibn Sam Ibn Noah lived in Al Ahqaf, Yemen, between Oman and Hadramaut, on a territory known as Ashar that extended into the sea. He also claimed that Prophet Hud (PBUH) belonged to this clan. Their valley was known as Mughiith. While some traditions assert that Hud (PBUH) was the first to speak Arabic, others assert that Noah (PBUH) was. Adam was allegedly the first person to exist.
Hud's Appeal to his People: A Commentary
Hud (PBUH) warned his people about idolatry and denounced it. "MY people, what good are these stones that you adore and make with your own hands? Actually, it is an insult to intelligence. Only Allah is the One Deity deserving of worship. You must worship just Him, and Him alone.
You were made by Him, He takes care of you, and He will also kill you. He blessed you in many ways and gave you beautiful bodies. Therefore, have faith in Him and do not disregard His favors, or else you will suffer the same destiny as Noah's people. Hud attempted to inspire trust in them by this justification, but they rejected his argument. Do you want to be our lord with your call? they questioned him. Which payment do you require?Hud made an effort to explain to them that he would be paid (rewarded) by Allah; all he asked of them was that they let the light of truth to enter their hearts and minds.
Hud's Quranic Call to His People
Allah the All-Powerful declares:
"And We sent their brother Hud to the Ad people. "O my people!" he exclaimed. Serve Allah! You have no other Ilah (god) than Him, and you only make up lies. Oh my people, I demand no payment for the Message. My only recompense comes from the One who gave me life. Then, will you not comprehend? O my people, and Don't turn away as Mujrimeen (offenders, deniers of Allah's Oneness); instead, ask forgiveness from your Lord and then turn to Him. He will provide you copious rain and strengthen you.
"O Hud!" they exclaimed. You have provided us with no proof, and we won't abandon our gods because of your simple assertion! We don't hold any faith in you. All we claim is that you have fallen victim to the evil (madness) of certain of our gods (false deities).
I call Allah to witness and bear you witness that I am free from that which you attribute to being partners in worship, and with Him (Allah)." HE stated. So conspire against me, everyone, and don't give me a break. I have faith in Allah, who is both my Lord and your Lord. Although there isn't a moving (alive) thing there, HE has control of its forelock. My Lord is, in fact, on the Straight Path (the path of truth). Therefore, even if you turn away, I have still delivered the message for which I was sent to you. You will do absolutely no harm to My Lord, and He will make another people succeed you. My Lord is undoubtedly the guardian of everything.(Quran, Ch. 11:50–57)
Explaining the Day of Judgment is Hud (pbuh)
Hud made an effort to communicate with them and inform them of Allah's benefits, including how He had created them Noah's successors, given them strength and power, and sent rain to replenish the earth.
When Hud's people realized they were the strongest on earth, they grew more arrogant and stubborn. So they argued frequently with Hud. O Hud, they cried out. Do you believe that once we pass away and become dust, we will be raised from the dead? Yes, you will return on the Day of Judgment, and each of you will be questioned about what you did, he retorted.
After the last sentence, there was a peal of laughter. How odd Hud's assertions are, I thought. The disbelievers murmured to one another. They thought that after a person passes away, their bodies decompose and turn into dust, which the wind then carries away. How could that possibly go back to how it was? What then is the Day of Judgment's significance? Why do the deceased come back to life? Hud patiently answered each of these queries. Then he spoke to his followers about the Day of Judgment. He taught them the same thing every prophet taught concerning the Day of Judgment: that belief in it is necessary for Allah's justice.
Hud emphasized that since good does not always triumph in life, fairness necessitates the existence of a Day of Judgment. Sometimes, evil triumphs over virtue. Will these crimes escape punishment? A significant injustice would have occurred if the Day of Judgment didn't exist, but Allah forbade injustice to be committed against Him or His followers. Therefore, the fact that there will be a Day of Judgment—a day when we will account for our actions and receive rewards or punishment for them—shows the extent of Allah's justice. Hud discussed each of these topics with them. They listened, but they weren't convinced.
The Disbelief Mentality
Allah describes the disposition of the people of Hud toward the Day of Judgment:
"The chiefs of his people, to whom We had granted the luxuries and comforts of this life and to whom We had disbelieved and denied the meeting in the Hereafter, said: "He is no more than a human being like you; he eats from what you eat, and he drinks from what you drink. Indeed, if you were to obey a fellow human being like yourself! You would indeed lose. Does he guarantee that, after you pass away and become nothing more than dust and bones, you will be raised from the dead? You are promised something far, far away. The only thing in this world is our life! We both live and die! We won't be raised from the dead! We won't trust in him even if he is just a guy who made up a lie against Allah. (Qur'an, Ch. 23:33–38)
The Skeptics' Hud of Questions
"Is it not strange that Allah's chooses one of us to reveal His message to?" the chiefs of Hud's people questioned.
What about that is weird, Hud retorted. Allah sent me to warn you because He wants to lead you in the correct direction. You are not far from the time of Noah's flood, therefore keep in mind his account. No matter how powerful they were, all the doubters were eliminated. The leaders questioned, "Who is going to destroy us Hud?" Hud answered, "Allah."
His people's skeptics said, "We will be saved by our gods." Hud made it clear to them that they would be destroyed because of the gods they worshipped, that only Allah can deliver people, and that no other force on earth has the ability to either help or harm someone. Hud and his people continued to be at odds. As the years went by, they grew more obstinate, arrogant, oppressive, and contemptuous of their prophet's teachings.
Warns his People, Hud
Additionally, they started calling Hud (PBUH) an insane maniac. One day, they revealed to him: "We now understand the secret of your madness you insulted our gods and they harmed you; that is why you have become insane."
In the Quran, Almighty Allah echoed their words:
Oh, Hud! You have provided us with no proof, and we won't abandon our gods because of your simple assertion! We don't believe in you, either. All we claim is that you have fallen victim to the evil (madness) of certain of our gods (false deities). (Qur'an, Ch. 11:53–54)
Hud was forced to accept their test. He was left with no choice but to turn to Allah alone and to issue them with a dire ultimatum. "I call Allah to witness and bear you witness that I am free from that which you ascribe to me as pin worship with Him (Allah)," he said, addressing them. So conspire against me, everyone, and don't give me a break. I have faith in Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Even though there isn't a moving (alive) thing around, He has hold of its forelock. My Lord is, in fact, on the Straight Path (the path of truth). Even if you look away, I will still have delivered the word that was intended for you. You won't damage My Lord; He will cause another people to succeed you. (Qur'an, Ch. 11:54–57)
The Repercussion
Hud then declared his dependence on Allah, who had created him, and repudiated them and their gods. Hud understood that his people's disbelievers would face punishment. One of life's laws is that. No matter how wealthy, powerful, or despotic they are, Allah will punish disbelievers.
Hud and his followers awaited Allah's word. Because the sky had stopped sending rain, a drought had spread throughout the countryside. The desert sands were burnt by the sun, which seemed like a disk of fire that landed on people's heads.
"What is that drought, Hud?" hurried his entourage as they approached him.
Hud responded, "You have angered Allah. The rain will fall, He will accept you, and you will grow stronger than you already are if you have faith in Him.
They ridiculed him and grew more stubborn, caustic, and steadfast in their disbelief. Plants died, the trees went yellow, and the drought got worse. One day, they awoke to a cloud-covered sky. When Hud's people emerged from their tents, they shouted with joy, "A cloud, which will give us rain!" Everything, including trees, plants, tents, people and ladies, felt the rapid change in the weather from scorching dry and hot to stinging cold with wind. Day after day and night after night, the wind picked up.
Hud's followers began to run away. They hurried to their tents to take cover, but as the gale grew stronger, it tore the tents away from the poles. They took cover under fabric, but as the gale grew stronger and calmer, it tore the coverings off. It cut through skin and clothing. It entered the body's openings and obliterated it. It hardly touched anything before being killed or destroyed, with its core being sucked out to decay. For eight days and seven nights, the storm raged.
Allah, the Almighty, relates:
Then they declared, "This is a cloud bringing us rain!" as a dense cloud moved toward their valleys. No, it is that pain that you requested to be accelerated! a breeze that causes excruciating suffering! destroying everything at its Lord's order! (Qur'an, Ch. 46:24–25)
This is how Allah the Exalted stated it:
"And as for Ad, they perished because to a fierce wind that Allah sent their way for seven nights and eight days straight, causing men to lie overturned (destroyed) like hollow palm tree trunks! (Quran, Ch. 69:6-7)
The Believing Group is Saved
That fierce wind didn't let up until the entire area was reduced to rubble and its evil inhabitants were killed and sucked up by the desert's sands. Only Hud and his adherents were left unhurt. They relocated to Hadramaut, where they lived in tranquility and prayed to Allah, their true Lord.